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Signs Of Weak Boundaries

I want to start off here recognizing that seeing where we may have weaknesses is not something we enjoy diving into. It makes you feel vulnerable , and defeated.

I promise you though, nothing is wrong with you. We have weak boundaries, not from any fault of our own, rather it stems from so many other dynamics and our childhood. I am here to tell you it’s okay that you are waking up to the fact that perhaps you have been letting yourself be a doormat for far too many years. That was me, I was the perpetual doormat far too many times than I would like to admit.

Clarity is key! The more you gain awareness that you have some things to change, you begin to create change!

Signs you may have weak boundaries:

You fail to speak up when you’re treated badly

  • You give away too much of your time

  • You agree with a person when you actually feel like disagreeing

  • You say “yes” to a person when you want to say “no”

  • You feel guilty for dedicating time to yourself

  • You feel taken for granted by others

  • You permit people to touch you when you feel uncomfortable or want them to stop

  • You have toxic relationships ( you are always giving, and the other is always taking)

  • You make too many grand sacrifices for others at your own expense

  • You are passive aggressive and might have manipulative tendencies (as a way of trying to regain your lost power)

  • You constantly feel like the victim

  • You feel like you have to “earn” respect by being nice

  • You over-share details about your life with others

  • You feel guilty when others aren’t happy (as if you’re responsible)

  • You are what other people want/need you to be, and not who YOU need to be

  • You’re out of touch with your needs

  • You attract people who try to control or dominate you

  • You have chronic fear about what others think of you

    Do you resonate with any of these, or most of these??

    If so, you are not alone. I have a FREE Ebook, Learning How to Thrive with Healthy Boundaries, you can download today on my website. You have the power to learn how to create healthy boundaries for yourself, with some guidance, determination and practice. In the next blog , I will be discussing why we lack boundaries, and how you can have healthy, strong boundaries.

As always, thank you for being here with me!