If you can change your mind,
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a powerful approach that delves deep into the subconscious mind to address the root causes of trauma and emotional challenges. Unlike traditional talk therapy, RTT focuses on the origin of trauma, acknowledging that it is experienced in the body, not solely cognitively or in the brain. By directly addressing the physical and emotional aspects of trauma, we avoid the need to repeatedly recount the entire traumatic story. This approach often proves more effective in healing traumatic experiences that may have remained unresolved through conventional therapy.
Moreover, as I guide my clients in harnessing the skills and insights gained through RTT, they gain a profound sense of independence and agency in their lives. Learning to regulate their own nervous systems empowers them to reclaim the power that was taken from them by trauma. Most importantly, as individuals heal from their traumatic experiences, they create space for their true, authentic selves to emerge, a transformation that may have remained elusive until now.
What Should I Expect From a Session?
You will work with your RTT therapist to uncover the meaning and interpretation of events in your life and then change them. This leads to permanent, powerful results. RTT works by empowering the mind to tell the body what to do, for example, heal itself using a technique called Command Therapy, NLP, and hypnotherapy. With these your mind can easily move away from addictions, and turn fear into excitement. The step by step approach can tell the body how to react and how to feel, and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind so things like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks can be permanently overcome.
If you are in physical or emotional pain, and you want rapid results, RTT aims to deliver permanent change in one to three sessions. RTT draws out “unfinished business,” meaning it is a technique for addressing the trauma that clients have held onto for many years.
Who is this method meant for?
Most of my clients have already identified that they have an issue and tried many other things on their own or with others to get rid of this issue. They've been to other therapists, counselors, read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, YouTube shows, EMDR, and more. Most have worked with a traditional talk therapist for years, and "that's helped" a little bit but "there's still something there", and are still feeling stuck.
This is for people who are 100% fully committed to healing from within, making profound and lasting change in their lives and having every area of their life improve – most importantly their self confidence, self worth, trust, belief in themselves.
Which topics can be addressed with RTT?
Self Image
Lack of confidence, low self-esteem, deep-rooted negative self-beliefs, self doubt, self-criticism, perfectionism, fear of not fitting in and being different, social anxiety.
Emotional Issues
Old traumas, blocked emotions, deep-rooted fixed beliefs, anger issues, childhood memories, painful past experiences.
Bad Habits, Fears, and Addictions
Unhealthy eating habits, shopping, drinking, procrastination, learned helplessness, controlling issues, biting nails, fear of flying, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of uncertainty, public speaking fear, fear of mistakes.
Relationship Issues
Fear of getting hurt, fear of commitment, painful experiences and past traumas, jealousy, repetitive patterns of dating, unable to trust, loyalty issues.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of mind that helps us to surpass our conscious mind and allows us to access the subconscious mind where we store all our memories, beliefs and habits. In Rapid Transformational Therapy this is where we want to get access to work with your past, in order to help you achieve overcoming obstacles and past traumas.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
We spend most of our waking hours in the beta state of alert awareness. In the beta state the mind analyses, evaluates, judges, and makes decisions. This is the state in which we attempt to overcome problems with “will power,” often unsuccessfully.
In hypnosis, the brain enters the alpha (light hypnosis) and theta (deep hypnosis) states, that makes us highly focused on hypnotic suggestions and imagery while suspending the ordinary thinking processes of the beta state. In the alpha and theta states, hypnotic suggestions are integrated into the mind more easily, and memories become more accessible.
During hypnosis, a trained hypnotist or hypnotherapist induces a state of intense concentration or focused attention. This is a guided process with verbal cues and repetition.The trance-like state you enter may appear similar to sleep in many ways, but you’re fully aware of what’s going on. While you’re in this trance-like state, your therapist will make guided suggestions designed to help you achieve your therapeutic goals. Because you’re in a heightened state of focus, you may be more open to proposals or advice that, in your normal mental state, you might ignore or brush off. When the session is complete, your therapist will wake you from the trance-like state, or you will exit it on your own.
Beta state (alertness, active thinking, and concentration)
Alpha state (relaxed alertness and light hypnosis)
Theta state (daydreaming, deep hypnosis, drowsiness, and light sleep)
Delta state (deep sleep).
No, you are awake and aware of everything that is happening throughout the session and cannot be made do or say anything against your will.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind and is an important part of everyday life. Whenever our mind wanders, daydreams or is focused on something (e.g. reading a book, driving a familiar route, watching a film, meditating, before falling asleep), you are in a state of hypnosis.
Everyone can be hypnotized, because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us enters at least twice each day – upon waking and falling asleep. You enter a state similar to hypnosis when daydreaming, meditating, driving on the road and arriving at your destination “automatically,” or being so deeply engrossed in a project or conversation that time seems to fly. Most of my clients go into hypnosis easily once they understand that they remain conscious and do not surrender their will.
After identifying that there will be a root cause of an issue – in this case why you want to be a published author but then doubt your ability to write your story or find the process of digging into the truth of your story very painful – we can address your beliefs at this deepest and powerful subconscious level. Communicating directly with your subconscious mind (with your conscious buy-in and full support for this change process) these recordings then give you specific, positive, powerful suggestions that your mind listens to in a receptive state. With repeat listening (as repetition at this deep subconscious level can change your neural pathways – the Grooves in your Mind – that keep you stuck in old patterns of behavior) you can create new, effective and permanent ways of thinking and behaving in the positive way that you desire.
Everyone can be hypnotized, because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us enters at least twice each day – upon waking and falling asleep. You enter a state similar to hypnosis when daydreaming, meditating, driving on the road and arriving at your destination “automatically,” or being so deeply engrossed in a project or conversation that time seems to fly. Most of my clients go into hypnosis easily once they understand that they remain conscious and do not surrender their will.

In a world transformed by chaos, a young woman finds her true purpose and sets out on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and empowerment.