Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

The hardest relationship to make work is the one you have with yourself. If you're not happy within, how can you expect to be happy in a marriage or other relationships? It's time for that hard look in the mirror and ask yourself if what you are doing out there is really working. Some people say it takes two people to make a successful relationship which I wholeheartedly agree with but let's be real, it all starts with YOU. The person looking back at you in the mirror needs love too!

I know from personal experience that the greatest lesson I needed to learn in growing in self love and compassion for myself was to STOP comparing myself to others. It's easy to get locked in a mind trap of constantly looking at others achievements and being hard on yourself for not being in the spot that they are at. Realistically, though you always need to remember you're at the exact space you need to be in life and you can create your goals to achieve the dream life you want to create.

Granted you may not be in the same spot that the person you look up to is at this given moment, but I can guarantee if you start creating goals and than are in alignment with actions than you will no doubt be able to look back and see how far you have come!

Don't compare yourself to anyone, only look to compare where you're at today in reaching those goals, and every day will be a success. You will little by little chip away at the things that you need to do to create the life you so choose. I can never say enough about how change really starts within yourself, and just remembering to be better than you were yesterday.

Understand that you are different from everyone else, and that's okay!! Get COMFORTABLE with being different, and really owning on what you have to offer and what others have. Be comfortable with who you are - don't try to be someone else because it will never work out! You are unique and you bring something to each and every person you meet that no one else can.
Remember that other people's lives may seem perfect but they too have their own problems and challenges, so you're never alone.

Remember to show up for yourself today, and everyday and create your own rituals everyday that allow you to continue to help with your self care to create happiness from within.

Focus on some of these tips for yourself, they are small but hey, everyone has to start somewhere!

  1. Spend time with yourselfI don't care if it's just 10 minutes a day, dedicate that 10 minutes to doing it is that makes you feel good and makes you feel joy.

  2. Practice self-care — Highly needed and at times in our busy lives we don't take the time that we need to practice this. My tip, is especially if you have kiddos ( I have 3) make it before everyone wakes up for the day or you may never get another chance. Self care is tied in with spending time with yourself and having that time will help you show up everyday as your best self.

  3. Get rid of toxic people in your life — CAN"T emphasize this ENOUGH! Those toxic people that are in your life, draining you of all your energy and feeding off you have got to go. Granted, for some of you that may be your partner or family member. That is where you may need the help to learn how to let those relationships go. I know for myself I have had many toxic relationships, partners, family, and even bosses. Take my advice the moment you let those things go it brings so much harmony to your life.

  4. Learn to forgive yourself for past mistakes or failures — This is a MUST! Holding onto the past only holds us back from our present, and to our promising future. It can weigh you down and make you feel negative thought patterns that keep replaying situations out, or failures. Learn from your mistakes, and move forward. Leave the past in the past, and give yourself love and compassion to know that you did the best you could in that moment, and now you know better.

  5. Start a journal about what you're grateful for and why. Write down 5 things that make you happy each day, no matter how small they may be. Journaling can create a freedom in you my friends beyond belief! You may not realize it but getting your thoughts on paper can help you learn how to be more mindful while going through your day, and most importantly remind you of the things you do have. Rather than looking at the negative side of things, it allows you to keep creating positive thoughts.

I hope you take some of these things and put them into your plan for setting the tone for the relationship you long to have for yourself, and remember you're a beautiful soul!

As always I am so incredibly grateful you're here.

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The Beauty of a Conscious Relationship — How can you achieve this for your own relationship?