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How Can You Use Your Mindset to Improve Anxiety

Mindset is something we are talking a lot about these days. Mental health is at an all time low, statistics is 1 in 5 adults since 2020 are suffering with some type of mental health symptom. Anxiety being the leading symptom, followed closely with depression.

So what is mindfulness and how can we incorporate it into our every day lives to begin to rewire our minds?

Mindfulness, by definition, is the state of being conscious and aware.

By default, so many of us live our lives on autopilot. We are going from task to task without even really thinking about what we are doing.

A great example of this is when you drive to work. You take the same routes, same turns and you have been doing it for so long that it’s a subconscious act and you don’t even have to think about it. You can arrive at work and not even recall the steps you took to get there.

When we want to achieve mindfulness, we have to be conscious of our surroundings, our actions and our feelings.

A lot of feelings of anxiety come from obsessing over the past or worrying about the future and these two states keep us from being in the present moment. Not only does not being in the present moment rob us of our peace, but it also robs us of our happiness as well. 

In my own healing journey, I have had to learn how staying present meant not living in the past, and also not worrying about the future. It was a key component in healing my anxiety, and also not allowing my CPTSD symptoms to take hold of me.

So how do we start practicing mindfulness today?

  1. Mindful moments or Mindful Walks

    Take notice of just stopping from the rushing that is our life these days, and take a moment to ground and center into that moment. Use your 5 senses to take in what are your surroundings, or go outside to take in different surroundings. This can break up the pattern of ruminating thoughts, or anxious feelings. Be consistent daily with this practice.

  2. Connect with your breath

    One of the best ways to practice mindfulness is to connect back to your physical body, and a great way to do this is by focusing on your breathing

    It’s so easy for us to not focus on our breathing because it’s so second nature, but there is so much power in doing breathwork . It allows us to bring our body to a peaceful state and really anchor ourselves to the present moment. 

    Put your hand on your heart – Just the simple act of putting your hand to your heart and feeling your heartbeat helps us connect with our bodies and be in the present moment.

    Close your eyes – Closing your eyes will help you shut out any outside distractions and deepen your concentration on your breathing.

    Take 3-5 breaths slowly in and out – While you’re breathing, really feel into your body. Notice the rise and fall of your chest, and your slowing, relaxed heart rate.

    3. Practice Gratitude

    Gratitude is the act of focusing and thinking about the things that are present in our lives that we are thankful for. The very act of gratitude involves putting our focus on the things in our lives that are currently happening, which allows us to focus on the present instead of focusing on the future or the past. By starting this practice and making it a daily task we can come back to the present moment. We can do this at any time during the day, or we can do it in small moments.

The more we connect with our body and minds, the more we can stop anxious feelings. We can train our mind not to run ahead, but instead to find the small and large things that we can use to be thankful for and find joy in every moment. This creates less anxiety, and more joy. Something we all need more of in our lives!

As always, thank you for being here with me!