Breaking Free From Control

Sometimes you have to lose yourself to discover who you might be. Sometimes what feels like breaking down is really just breaking free.

The nature of our human existence is in a constant state of flux, and so too must be the individual's identity. A person can not only change who they are but also what his or her culture believes about him/herself at any given moment depending on how society feels toward them. In order for people to truly break free from control it becomes necessary that their sense perception aligns with reality rather than being distorted through social norms which thereby negates individuality altogether.  A person can not only change who they are but also what his or her culture believes about him/herself at any given moment depending on how society feels toward them--to truly break free from control it becomes necessary for individuals to establish their own sense of themselves as separate entities with unique perspectives, rather than subscribing entirely one set belief system laid down by others before them which may have been completely misconceived anyway due to lack information. 

‘The pursuit of happiness', as they say, has been the driving force behind many, but for some people this life journey can be hindered by an outside source that seeks to take away their power or feelings - whether it's family members who seek domination through violence or manipulation; employers seeking obedience from employees with unfair working conditions; family or society making demands about how we should live our lives instead of just letting us decide ourselves... whatever form these attacks come in may vary. There might not always seem like anything wrong at first glance because sometimes what seems empowering turns out unexpectedly harmful! What may have looked like it was helping you, may have been disempowering you all along. 

When we break free from the controlling forces in our lives and establish a sense of identity, it can be an amazing feeling. It is said that "you are who you say you want to be". This means when someone wants something so bad but doesn't have enough confidence or belief about themselves then they will let others control them instead because deep down inside there's always this voice telling us we are not good enough even if on some levels we know we are capable of so much more. Don't worry though; I'm here today telling ya' straight up: It gets better than these feelings ever imagined possible... And trust me--I've seen both sides now of the equation. Trust me when I tell you that I have lived a life that involved being controlled by what was expected of me, because of belief systems that were laid down by my parents, and by their parents and so on.  I chose to follow those for most of my life before breaking free, and once I did and listened to what my heart was telling me and chose to make the necessary changes. I chose to establish my own sense of self, and my own beliefs rather than being shaped by the things that I was told to believe.  This did not award me with the acceptance of many, including my family and life long friends. Although, what it did give me was the freedom to be who I was meant to be, and the chance to create my own identity of what society had tried to shape me to become. I broke free from any expectations, and while this may have been one of the most difficult things I had to endure during my life, I can honestly say it’s the most empowering moments of my life too.  I was able to create self-ownership through my own independent thinking, and look deep within what really resonated for me. I was able to shape my beliefs and to not allow the opinions of others to allow me to change what I value and believe, not only for my life path but also for my beliefs in the world we live in. It's time we stop allowing other people's opinions about us dictate who they think our true selves should be. We must take back our power by listening more closely to our soul than ever before; learning what makes YOU unique.

A person can not only change who they are but also what his or her culture believes about him/herself at any given moment depending on how society feels toward them--to truly break free from control it becomes necessary for individuals to establish their own sense of self through exploring different values that will guide decisions throughout life . This requires every one to take personal responsibility by embracing aspects which may seem antithetical while rejecting others outright without waiting around waiting forever for someone else to take the lead. Truly, the meaning of being a leader, not a follower.  This may cause some opposition from others, and at times can create even the loss of family or friendships. Just understand that if you cannot be truly accepted for who you are, then those aren’t your people. They no longer fit with who you’re becoming, or working on becoming. Your own happiness relies entirely on becoming the authentic being you were meant to be, not on living the way others would like you to live or following an external standard for what society around you has created.  Breaking free from what’s disempowering you can be difficult, but I can assure you it will be well worth the struggle. 

Freedom is a state of mind rather than a specific condition of existence.

Breaking free from control can give you the freedom to live the life that you have always wanted, and allow you to create what that freedom looks like to you. True freedom starts with your thoughts, and freeing yourself from your own inner critic, or limiting beliefs that tell you what you are and aren’t capable of. You may not have been born with the same privileges, access to education, money or political rights, but we are all given the same amount of time in a day to pursue our dreams and make them a reality. And if we can’t control our external circumstances, we can definitely control our internal ones. The power of self-discovery lies within you. So what is it that makes the difference between those who take a step and never look back, and those of us left wondering why we didn't try? You can find your power within yourself. That power of self-discovery lies within you. The path may seem daunting at first - with all its challenges before you even start walking- but as long as there are people encouraging on either side supporting this journey then anything truly possible becomes more attainable than one could ever imagine. Make a choice and take action; act with confidence as if this moment was what was planned all along!

As always, thank you for spending time here with me.


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